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Bainbridge Island Little League Softball Divisions


AA (Coach Pitch, 11" Softball)

- Ages 6, 7-9 before January 1st
- Emphasizes development of fundamental skills (throwing, catching, fielding and batting)
- Introduces playing rules
- Games and practices are arranged in a format that is more advanced than T-Ball and appropriate for players skill and knowledge level (e.g. coach pitch and all players bat with a quick pace of play)
- Goal is to teach players about the sport in a non-competitive environment the emphasizes having fun and team spirit
- Players are given equal playing and the opportunity to play all defensive positions
*Little League 6 year olds can play AA softball if they have played one year of T-Ball*

AAA (Player Pitch, 11" Softball)

- Ages 8-12 before January 1st
- Emphasizes development of players and their skills while introducing more rules and situations of the game (players pitch the entire game, stealing and sliding are allowed)
- Offers a moderate level of competition, where winning and losing is introduced, but always secondary to player development, learning sportsmanship and having fun

Majors (12" Softball)

- Ages 10-12 before January 1st
- Emphasizes player development, physical fitness and self confidence, to understand the rules of the game, to learn the value of teamwork, sportsmanship and fair play
- Higher level of competition where players learn and put into play the tactics and strategy of the game of softball
- Playing time is determined by the manager subject to minimum requirements and may not be equal

Junior/Senior Division(s) (12" Softball)

- Ages 13-16 before January 1st
- Emphasizes the continuation of growth and competing in fastpitch softball
- Games are generally held on Saturdays so as not to conflict with the local High School schedule



Bainbridge Island Little League
P.O. BOX 10911 
Bainbridge Island, Washington 98110

Email: [email protected]

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