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Coach FAQs

Coaching Resources and Frequently Asked Questions

Background Checks:
All Managers, Coaches or anyone assisting with the team that will have contact with the children must complete a background check.

First Aid Training:
Managers are required to complete First Aid training every two years and at least one coach on a team must have take it for the current season.

Concussion Protocol:
BILL and coaches are responsible for ensuring player safety is top priority. If a player is hit in the head or injured in such a way that a concussion is a possibility, they are to be removed from the practice or game, and be cleared by a doctor before they can return. When in doubt, sit them out. If you have to do that and a parent is upset by your decision feel free to direct them to [email protected].

Game Philosophy:
While we understand the desire and fun in winning, the focus must be kept on (1) fun for ALL players, (2) teaching good sportsmanship in both winning and losing, and (3) player development. Coaches must ensure that ALL players feel welcomed and a part of the team regardless of their skill level and capability... this is core to the ethos of Little League.

Field Maintenance:
We are all responsible for the fields. Coaches must ensure that fields are left in good condition after each practice and game. Pitchers mounds at HC and Rotary must be covered after each practice/game unless another team is there to take the field. When raking or dragging the field start out and work your way in towards the mound so not to create a lip between the infield and outfield. 

Please DO NOT use the tractors at HC, Rotary, or Strawberry unless you have been trained and/or have been specifically approved by the President of BILL to use the tractor. 

Coaches are expected to read and understand/teach the basic rules. If you did not get a rule book when you picked up your equipment let BILL know. Local Rules are in conjunction with Little League International Rules.

Majors, AAA, and Challengers will be given first priority to Rotary. AAA and AA will be given first priority to Hidden Cove. Majors, AAA and AA games take priority over practices. While we will try to avoid it, if necessary your team practice may have to be relocated on a one off basis to fit in a game. Each team is required to hold a minimum of one practice a week separate from game day, weather permitting.

We attempt to have certain divisions play on certain days for the sake of predictability for families and coaches, and to allow families with players in different divisions to attend all of their players games. Sometimes that doesn’t happen due to school events or weather. All teams play one weekday and one weekend game with the exception of the occasional bye week for divisions with only five teams. Tball only plays on Saturdays. If a coach needs to make up a game or wants to schedule an additional game, Fridays and Sundays (after 12PM) are permitted. Please notify: [email protected] to schedule a make up game. Please give families as much notice as possible.

Field Playability:
We have worked with Parks & Rec on determining field conditions and the use of fields has been turned over to Little League. Coaches are responsible for determining if a practice or game is safe to conduct or play. Please consider the players and families in making the determination and provide as much notice as possible if any changes to time or location are made. Using the fields when they are excessively wet/soft harms field conditions and availability for other teams. Please prioritize safety and field sustainability over convenience.

Practice/Game Rescheduling:
• Coaches are responsible for determining if a practice should be cancelled; the same applies to games (though cancellation of games must be done in conjunction with the designated umpire if present and the umpire’s decision is final).
• Coaches are responsible to ensure their team plays a minimum of 12 games; if a game is cancelled it is up to the impacted coaches to reschedule the game based on field availability. Players must play a minimum of 8 games to be eligible for All Stars.
It is the coach’s responsibility to notify the Umpire who has signed up of a cancellation at least 2 hours in advance of the game. Failure to provide a scheduled umpire can have a direct negative impact on the season and entire league as umpires may opt not to sign up for future games if they aren’t notified of changes in a timely manner; please copy the VP of Baseball, and scheduled Umpire when cancelling a game. 

Event Scheduling:
As a team coach, you now have the ability to schedule events in your team calendar including additional practices, cage time at Rotary Batting Cages, or team meetings. You will be able to edit any event that you create but if you need to delete or change one of your existing prescheduled practices or games on a recurring basis, let me know. It will be your responsibility to notify your team if you change a scheduled practice or game event.

Process for coaches to schedule events: 
1. Log in to your little league (blue sombrero) account at (you must be signed in to have access to scheduling) then navigate back to the main BILL website
2. Go to Teams
3. Team Directory
4. Select your team page
5. From your team page, select Calendar
6. Select Create Event
7. Select Practice
8. Select location (See Note below about availability)
9. Continue with your date and time selections and add a description. 
10. Click Save

-It's helpful to first click the link for "Field Availability" next to the location to see if the location is free at your selected time. If you try to save and there is a location conflict, you will get an alert to make changes before the schedule is saved. 

-You will not be able to schedule an event during your regularly occurring weekly team practice because the system will give you an error message that your team is not free during this time. If you need to change your ongoing posted team practice, let us know. 

Batting Cage Access:
The Batting Cage at Rotary is in high demand during the season. Availability will be determined based on division level and practice schedules. The cage is shared with Softball and specific slots will be carved out to ensure fair access for both baseball and softball. Likewise, there will be open slots on the weekend to provide access for the lower divisions as well. Majors Baseball teams with a practice at Rotary and Majors and Juniors Softball get cage priority; outside of their designated times, you may sign up via the web site for open slots. Please only sign up for a week at a time to allow fair access for all teams.

BILL provides shirts/jerseys and a hat for each player but does not provide belts or pants. Each team will receive two shirts and two hats for the coaches. If you have other coaches that want a shirt/hat in addition to what is allotted to each team, they are available at cost - please email with coach sizes. Players registered by the posted deadline receive uniforms in time for the season. We strive to get uniforms in time for players who register late but cannot guarantee that. Baseball pants are required for AA and above; players in Tball and A are permitted to wear sweats or sports pants.

Little League International has adopted the USA bat standard effective 1/1/2018. Use of bats not clearly marked with the USA logo are not permitted for ANY Little League activity. Use of non approved bats could jeopardize our Charter, and in the event a player is injured with a non approved bat puts the league at legal risk.

Equipment Policy:
Little League provides 2 helmets (4 for each tee ball team) and 2 USA certified bats per team. BILL recommends that players provide their own helmets. Coaches are responsible for returning equipment at the end of the season.

Umpires are required for AA - Majors games in order for the game to count. More information will be sent to impacted coaches with additional information regarding umpiring.

Finding enough umpires has been an annual issue. We ask that Tee Ball and A coaches please engage and invite parents into the process as it will help increase the potential umpire pool in future years.

All Stars:
Criteria to be considered for a All Star coach position will be sent to coaches directly.

Team Volunteers: 
Coaches will receive an email with the names and contact info of parents who have volunteered to help with field prep and team parent. It is recommended that each coach designate a team parent who will be responsible for helping to coordinate the fundraiser for the team and schedule for field prep and clean up. 

Web Site Update:
Efforts have been made to improve the web site (ie make it mobile friendly). We encourage coaches to download and make use of the  Game Changer app to record scores and statistics and manage your teams schedule and season.


Bainbridge Island Little League
P.O. BOX 10911 
Bainbridge Island, Washington 98110

Email: [email protected]

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